Monday, March 30, 2009

Been Awhile

Ya, so it has been awhile. I haven't shot too much this winter. I sort of get the blues when its cold and grey. As soon as spring arrives this site will be pumpin. Ya, right. Well, if anyone actually reads this post, I am sorry for the lull. Check back in a month. I promise there will be new photos.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My First Entry

Well, I'm doing it.  I'm creating a blog.  Thoughts of documenting my photo adventures have taken up so much space in my mind that finally, I can now make room for other "What Ifs".  So, if you are visiting this blog for the first time, welcome and leave a comment if something interests you.  
I've been producing film and video so long as a career that photography has become my outlet for creativity and a new opportunity for visual expression.  Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy motion pictures, but photography offers something motion cannot.  One image that the VEIWER gets to make up their mind about.
So, here it is.  Now, I just need to shoot, shoot, shoot.